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Protect. Your. Ride.
Essential Protection

Save Money
We’re able to offer GAP at a fraction of the cost charged by the dealer. If you already purchased GAP through the dealer, you can request a prorated refund from the dealer and replace the coverage with our lower-cost option. Better yet, in the event you need to use the GAP coverage purchased through us, we’ll give you up to $1,000 toward your next vehicle loan if you finance with Pacific Service CU.
The following vehicles are eligible for GAP coverage:
- Cars
- Motorcycles
- Boats
- RVs
To enroll, please call a member service representative at (888) 858-6878 today!
Your purchase of MEMBERS CHOICETM Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is optional and will not affect your loan application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement, you have with Pacific Service Credit Union. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. You will receive the contract before you are required to pay for GAP. You should carefully read the contract for a full explanation of the terms. If you choose GAP, adding the GAP fee to your loan amount will increase the cost of GAP. You may cancel GAP at any time. If you cancel GAP within 90 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.